江苏李云律师事务所成立于2009年, 拥有专业精深、学科齐全的专职律师队伍,具有扎实的专业理论功底和丰富的法律实务经验,现拥二十多年的经验丰富的律师。我们秉承以德服人、团队合作、客户至上、永奏凯歌的服务理念,以非凡的团队智慧、扎实的理论功底及丰富的司法经验为客户提供优质的法律服务。
Jiangsu Liyun Law Firm has been opening since 2009. We have a team of lawyers who are experienced and professional in their own specialized field. Our team is made up with 12 full time and part time lawyers. Some of them have been practiced as lawyer for more than 30 years.